1. Taun is a large hardwood of wide distribution, from Sri Lanka eastwards through South - East Asia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea to Samoa.
2. Heartwood reddish brown. Sapwood pale pink to pale reddish brown, not always clearly differentiated from the heartwood and to 50mm wide. An identifying feature is that the shavings produce froth when shaken with water. Texture moderately coarse and even. Grain straight or shallowly interlocked producing some ribbon figure. No taste or odor in the seasoned wood.
3. Air Dry Density varies from about 680 kg/m3 for Papua New Guinea material to 850 kg/m3 for Malaysian wood.
4. Careful drying need to avoid bluestain, warping and surface checking. Shrinkage 3.5 percent radial and 5.5 percent tangential.
5. Relatively easy to work but the sanding dust may be irritating to mucous membrane. Glues and nails well. Good for steam bending.
6. Lyctids S, termites NR, durability IG3 (IG = inground), AG2 (AG = Above ground), M4.
7. Uses: Furniture, flooring, cladding, carving, boat building, joinery, handles and plywood.
Sizes: 85x12, 85x19 and 133x19mm