European White Oak is a hard and heavy wood with medium strength properties. The heartwood is light tan to biscuit coloured, usually straight grained, but irregular or cross-grained material can occur depending on growth conditions. Characteristic silver grain figure on quartered surfaces due to broad rays Oak has a very good steam bending classification, but is liable to blue stain if in contact with iron compounds.
Working Properties: There is a moderate to severe blunting effect on cutters, which should be kept sharp. Quatered stock requires a 20 degrees or moulding angle. The wood takes waxing, liming, fuming, and polishing treatments very well.
Durability: The heartwood is durable and extremely resistant to preservative treatment, but the sapwood is permeable. The acidic nature of oak will affect in direct contact and cause corrosion. Non-ferrous or galvanised metals should be used.
Uses: The preponderance of tyloses in the pores of 'White Oaks' resist the passage of liquids and renders the wood ideal for cooperage of cognac, wine and beers. For furniture, cabinet making, boat building, dock and harbour work, sea defences, railway wagons, ladder rungs, sills, thresholds, and for all purposes of exposure in contact with the ground with the ground. High class journey, coffins, ecclesiastical work such as pews, rood screens, pulpits and carvings. flooring, vehicle board bearers and floors in trucks. Beams are produced from selected logs for restoration work in old buildings.